Friday, December 21, 2007

Week 10 !!!! L E S S O N 23 !!!! Y E A!!!!

I finally reached the end.

I enjoyed most of the lessons, such as: creating my blog, Flickr, Picnic-photo editing, creating my avatar, Library Elf, social networking, tagging, You Tube, & Overdrive. The ones that didn't appeal to me at all were the technical ones, such as: RSS, Library Thing, Technorati, Wiki, Web based apps, and podcasts. I did not do the two optional lessons, but heard they were fun and I will go back and play with them sometimes in the near future.

I had no idea half this stuff even existed on the web, there is no telling what else is out there that I don't know about. I just know I will be taking advantage of the ones I enjoyed, especially picture editing, You Tube and Overdrive.

The more I learn about computers and the web, the more comfortable and confident I am about helping customers with computer problems.

Week 9 Lesson 22 - Overdrive

I was real excited about this when we first got it, but I had a hard time downloading audiobooks on my computer at home (too slow). I did download several books and really enjoyed them. I will definately get back into this one since I have a better understanding about how to use it.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Week 9 Lesson 21 - Podcasts

This is another one that I really have no interest in, I think there are other ways to find information.
I did add a podcast on photography to my blog and I might use it at sometime or other.

Week 9 Lesson 20 - You Tube

This was a fun lesson that you could spend hours on. I was not able to explore a lot of videos (because I'm at work). I could see using you tube for training purposes or for promoting the library.

I chose this video because it was one of my favorite songs back in the late 80's, we played it at a very special occassion.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Week 8 Lesson 19 - On Line Apps

I am so frustrated... I signed up on Zoho and had a very hard time just creating a document, then when I finally did, I could not get it to publish to my blog. So I am giving up. I will just use microsoft word when needed.

Week 8 Lesson 18 - Social Networking

I already had a myspace acct. I set it up to keep track and in touch w/my grandson. I did go through all the other sites. The ones that I joined were RatemySpace and linkedin and I will go back and join Threadless. I am very excited about Ratemyspace, did not know it existed and I will be using that one a lot more than any of the others & Threadless looks very interesting, but linkedin I will probably never use.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Week 7 Lesson 17-Something Technical

I have already stated in previous blogs that anything to do with picture editing I really enjoy and will continue to use, the rest of the stuff I have learned about so far is not very interesting to me, especially wiki's.

Week 7 Lesson 16-Wikis

I thought Wikipedia was just like an encyclopedia, everything in it is factual, but now I know it's not true and I will not be using it again. My understanding is anyone can write anything they want, so how could you ever trust whatever you read in any wiki.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Week 6 Lesson 15 - Libraries 2.0

I read all five of the perspectives, the main thing I got from them is thank God I will be retiring in the near future because it sounds like most library employees will no longer be needed.

Week 6 Lesson 14 Technorati

I claimed my blog and pulled it up by using a tag, that was ok. I am getting way too many usernames and passwords to keep up w/everything.
I think there are other ways to get info, this was just a little to complicated for me to get into it.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Week 6 Lesson 13 Tagging

I had a hard time getting through this one, I kept ending up at photo sites (mainly picnik & flickr) and wanted to play around w/them. I am using tagging now on my pictures and that helps.
I watched the tutorial but I need to watch it again, I kept getting interrupted at work and my computer at home is too slow to watch it. I agree it was very fuzzy and I couldn't see the examples.
I'm sure, like the previous lessons, I will come back to this at a later date and discover that it is very useful.

Week 5 Lesson 12 con't

I just read my email from the Library Elf and it was very informative, much more so than the notice I get from Harris Co. I guess I will continue to subscribe to it.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Week 5 Lesson 12-Library Elf

I registered w/Library Elf, My only thought was I already have this service through Harris Co., so I don't really need it again.

Week 5 Lesson 11-Library Thing

I played around w/Library Thing and I have my account on my sidebar. It was ok I don't think I will be using this very much.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Week 5 Lesson 10-Image Generators

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

I finally got my avatar posted thanks to Shana. I played around a little with the other image generators and I can't wait to get back to some of them, especially the ones that deal w/photographs.